Thursday, November 12, 2009

on my mind lately

A lot of stuff has been on my mind lately... As the quakers would say, I'm holding a lot of people in the light. Lots of recent things have been leading my thoughts to life and making the most of it while we're here. Being present. When my mind drifts to the journal project, I get really excited about what it'll be like to get them back, read some stories, connect with all of you. And like ben said, there's all kinds of unknowns right now, which i'm cool with too. Hope all is well with everyone out there who has been touched by the project. And fyi Ben is a National ultimate frisbee champion!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the national championship recognition, angela. it feels really good.

regarding the journals, i'm preparing to wait longer than december 31st for the return of these special moleskins. i don't think it should catch us off guard to see these sometime well into 2010.

happy holidays (and journaling and traveling) to all!