Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What I think

This is not a pity party. But I do think I need to gradually disengage with the Journal project in its current form.

There's been no return of the actual journals (Angela, correct me if I'm wrong) and hardly a whisper on this blog for a few months -- just a dot in the long arc of time, but long enough to consider a new project or a new angle on the same idea.

Ideas and reflections are always welcome. Lots of love to those participating.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Get ready for the guessing game

Hello to you readers, bloggers, journal-writers, and adventurers. Let's take a few guesses... Where are the books now?

Based on previously documented trips of the journals, I would guess that
  1. Book 1 is in the United States, maybe Florida or California
  2. Book 2 is dining at the Cafe at the Edge of the Universe
  3. And Book 3 is still enjoying the great skiing in Switzerland
Based on nothing at all except antics and cliches, I'm guessing that
  1. Book 1 landed in China
  2. Book 2 just took off for Prague
  3. Book 3 is rockin in the free world
Anybody else have some guesses? :)

I mean it when I say that the thought of this journal project continues to excite me.